Our Lady of Angels SVdP Conference

Meeting Essential Needs With Compassion and Prayer

About Saint Vincent de Paul, Our Lady of Angels Conference

Saint Vincent de Paul OLA Conference, is based in Burlingame, California. The conference is a dedicated team of volunteers committed to serving neighbors in need.

Offering support to our community through personalized assistance, prayer, and compassionate support.

Provides direct aid through home visits, offering food, vouchers, and essential necessities

Assists families with rent and utility payments to prevent homelessness and maintain housing stability

Key Statistics of Aid

Local Help

+ Conducted 400 home visits in the last fiscal year, a 60% increase from the previous year

+ Served 354 individuals through home visits

+ Prepared and distributed approximately 280 brown bag lunches monthly for weekend meals

+ Kept 7 families in their homes through rent assistance

+ Provided holiday support, including Thanksgiving gift cards for 80 individuals and Christmas gifts for 100 individuals

Key Video

Please watch this key video from Father Michael of Our Lady of Angels giving an SVdP update from April.

Let’s Help


Are you looking to volunteer? We’d love to hear from you.

We Are Always Looking

Volunteering is an amazing way to help in your community and help locals in need. We would be more than happy to walk you through exactly what it entails or what we need.

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